Hi again @raamdev - sorry to keep hammering you with questions. I’m just getting to know CC over this last week.
I noticed that when I first installed CC - the stats showed me as having 180GB available, of 231GB available on my server.
The first cache run it did, was about 1GB - which left 179GB available.
Over the last few days, the cache has cleared many times and has been rebuilt.
It’s now showing as 176GB available.
Now my cache expiration time is set to 12 hours right now - with the cache cleanup option set to its default of ‘hourly’.
Should CC be eating into storage this way? Or should the clean-up be getting rid of old cache files, thus reducing bloat?
I’m just trying to get my head around how it works - the plugin seems to be taking up more and more room as the days go on.