503 IP error popping up


I’m having a very similar issue to this old forum post:

The solution offered in that thread is to change permissions in cpanel as per:

Please will someone tell me which folder to change the permissions to as making the unique IP restrictions to 10 is not working for me.

If there are any other solutions I’m not aware of please let me know.

Thanks for the help.

Any help here guys? plus 20 characters

Why are you limiting unique IP restrictions at all? Unless your members only use desktop PCs hard-wired to the web, you should set this to allow infinite IP addresses.

Thanks Tim. I appreciate the help.:+1:

RE: [Error 503]

Hi Tim,
I just had to change my IP restrictions to unlimited because we couldn’t log in. What is the purpose of IP restrictions, if any at all?

It’s for when you want to restrict access to when users are located within a particular physical space (e.g. office). There used to be plenty of places that operated their intranets like that; I don’t know if anyone does any more, but the setting remains.