2 different contents ccap


I read the shortcode conditionals page, but I can’t find how to set this

some different content to show to people that can access only ccap 1000
some content to show to people that can access ccap 1000 and ccap 2000

Of course, I would like to display one content or another depending or 1 ccap or 2.

This is to sell product (article with ccap 1000) to people that didn’t buy it yet, and the other one (article with ccap 2000) who bought it allready.

Thank you !

Sophie, this is how you are supposed to do it:

[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_1000) AND current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_2000)]
   Content for someone with ccaps 1000 and 2000
	[_s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_1000)]
		Content for someone with ccap 1000 only

I say “supposed,” because a couple of people have reported on this forum that the [else] shortcode isn’t working for them. So I’d be interested to hear if this works for you.

Ok, thanks a lot. I will try it and let you know for sure.

I didn’t have to use it finally, so I didn’t test it.