I’m so happy to see you back, Cristián. You were the main support in my early days with s2 and you helped me lots over on the old forum and support requests.
I was literally just a few days form migrating to PMP when you showed up.
I could probably come up with hundreds of feature or support requests, but I want to start with this one. I use Trellis to deploy all of my sites except for the ones that use s2Member. I haven’t tested for over a year, so my memory’s foggy, but the s2 code hasn’t changed so here’s the issue.
Trellis/Bedrock move all of the core WP files to the /wp/ directory. So it’s /wp/wp-login.php, etc. That has worked fine with every other plugin except for s2Member which didn’t look for /wp/admin-ajax.php at the new location, which is sort of a problem .
I didn’t look at the code back then and didn’t now, but I’m wondering if the fix is something as simple as changing the url from something that’s hardcoded to something more dynamic.
Or maybe I missed a setting somewhere?