S2member generating a list of 403 Errors

I am receiving a list of s2Member 403 errors when looking in Chrome and going to Tools > Developer Tools > Console.

I have reinstalled s2member and wordpress and deactivated all of my plugins. What seems to be the problem?

We need many more details to be able to help.

Where are you (on a post, a page, somewhere in the admin, etc, etc) when you see these errors? Who is your host? What type of server do you have (Apache, nginx, Litespeed)? Linux or Windows?

It shows up on any page. I am with Bravenet and I believe they use Apache servers.

“Any page” irrespective of whether it’s the front-end or admin?

Can you post some of the errors here?

www.mydomain.com/:3 GET https://www.mydomain.com/wp-content/plugins/s2member/s2member-o.php?ws_plugin__s2member_css=1&qcABC=1&ver=170221-170221-262816841

It won’t let me list them because it said that new users can only post two links

Does your host use Varnish? If so, ask them to turn it off. If that doesn’t do the trick, I would check for a conflict. See S2 columns empty in Dashboard user list

I don’t know. I would have to ask them. I had already deactivated all of my plugins so it’s not from any of the plugins causing the issue.

Also, does not come up in the backend (admin)

I am pretty sure that the problem is with your host. They have probably disabled something, or else got some sort of security code running that’s blocking s2Member.

Ask your host to check for Mod Security errors. Also: Are you running iThemes Security or any other WordPress security plugin?

I will check with my host.

No, I was using iThemes Security but I had disabled it and then totally removed it to see if that was the problem but it wasn’t.

I just wanted to let you know that it was coming from an htaccess file under my wp-content folder. All is good now.

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