I think s2members is an awesome plugin. Everything works beautifully.
My question is about how to proceed on two issues:
I moved an old membership site to WordPress and s2. The old site was custom and used Stripe, so all of the users we moved have current Stripe subscriptions. How do I connect the new site to the existing subscriptions? I’m thinking that I should set a manual EOT so the users get a notification email to renew their subscriptions. Once renewed, they continue on as normal. Is there a better way to handle this?
We’d like to offer the first 14 days of a subscription for free. I want my user to get the EOT reminder email before the 14 day period is up, but the way I understand EOT, I don’t think the EOT notice will be triggered, because technically it’s not set to expire, but rather it’s just going to trigger the recurring payment. Is there a way to trigger a reminder email before the trial expires?
I hope my questions make sense. Please advise on the best way to proceed if possible.