Cloudflare does more than that, even if you disable that one setting.
Have you tried this?
I recommend (and I'm just an s2 user not official support) disabling Cloudflare for the appropriate DNS record by
clicking on the lightning bolt cloud icon. Wait ten minutes or so and try to see if the error still occurs. Using a different
browser, clearing cache, using a mobile device, etc. might also help if you've enabled certain CloudFlare settings.
BTW, your ignorance of programming was on display earlier.
There’s lots of ways to make code work even if the code isn’t optimal.
Just like a new language speaker can improve.
A new language speaker might be able to communicate (make the code work), but a more experienced speaker/programmer might take a different route.
I shared lots of my custom code hacks for s2 that I wrote 5+ years ago w/ @clavaque to give back, but I was sort of embarrassed at how differently I’d write it now.
It’s worked for 5+ years syntax-wise, but wow, am I embarrassed.
Still shared, though, because no time to rewrite something that works.
And don’t use CloudFlare if you’re not at least a SysAdmin in training.
Cloudflare is great (and I use it on most of my s2 sites), but DNS management along with a lot of their caching and
other settings are definitely not at the beginner level.
My guess is that right now things are a lot more complex than they need to be with lots of variables and it’s tough to know what is causing the concern. That’s why I asked certain things.
I’m totally not getting paid at all for trying to help. I’m just an s2 user that wants to give back.
I think I shared my motivation before.
Would be kind of crazy that my old advice might have solved your problem a while ago.
Sometimes we’re so convinced that we made the right decision that we really don’t want help.