How to run the free registration proform in a popup?

Hi I’m trying to have the free registration proform run in a popup on my site : (access password : chico) -> click on “Sign Up Free” green button

I’m using Popup Maker (also tried with Popup Builder but same issue). I inserted this proform shortcode in the popup editor : [s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form register=“1” level=“0” ccaps="" desc=“Signup now, it’s Free!” custom="" tp=“0” tt=“D” captcha=“0” /]

If a visitor fills out the form, and if there are no errors the form gets submitted correctly and visitor is redirected to the success page. However, if there are errors the form gets submitted anyway and the page refreshes. You then need to re-open the popup to see the errors (something visitors won’t do).

How can I prevent the form from submitting if there are errors ? It seems the client-side validation is not kicking in inside the popup, so the form gets submitted no matter what.

By contrast, in this test page I’ve inserted the exact same shortcode, and here validation does kick in and prevents form from submitting :

I just upgraded my S2member license to unlimited sites just to be able to have the registration form in a popup, but it looks like it’s not working… I just want new users to sign up through the popup.

Anyone have suggestions on how to get form validation to work in the popup so the form does NOT get submitted if there are errors ?


I’ll start by pointing out that popups are a real pain for all the reasons explained here: Popup when clicking restricted link/button

But if you still insist on going down this route, then you will either need guidance from the popup plugin’s devs or else write your own custom javascript.

Well based on my experience, a very high percentage of users just give up when redirected to a different signup page, whereas in-page signup is not as bad. I personally prefer to see a signup form popup and let me stay in the page I’m viewing, and I’m not the only one. That’s all over the web, hence the success of plugins such as popup maker, not mentioning the countless newsletter subscription popup widgets.

Hence the proliferation of pop-up blockers. You’ll actually find that many of your would-be users will simply never find your registration form because (like me) they use a pop-up blocker that will prevent it from showing.

And I notice you haven’t even attempted to refute the arguments about accessibility. That was very wise, because there are no such arguments.

I don’t know much about accessibility so I can’t really argue on that, you may be right. For the rest I disagree, popups are just overlay divs we show and hide to implement UI scenarios, and to me they are a great UI tool for building better UX if used correctly. In my scenario for example, I want users to be able to sign up on any page, without cluttering every page with a signup form, only a signup button that brings up a form in a div.

After much research it seems I’m having some luck with the free version of the CM Registration plugin - still testing but it seems to work the way I want through simple CSS selectors and menu links.